Project Update – March 2022
We would like to thank all marina users for their safe boating around the marina construction zone over the summer and busy boating period. Waikawa North West marina continues to take shape and despite some supply chain delays late last year, progress has been steady over summer with the first jetty piles now in place, and the breakwater is starting to come together with the concrete panels being proudly manufactured in Marlborough by Pre-cast Systems in Blenheim and being delivered to site for installation over the next few weeks.
Build Update and Recent Activities
Our breakwater Contractor has now completed the installation of raked piles for the breakwater and will be undertaking further work on these piles over the short term to ensure the piles meet designed capacities. Works have also been progressing on the installation of the concrete headstocks.
The headstocks are the large concrete blocks that sit on top of the sets of piles and holds them together, these are now installed to the end of the northern breakwater and the first headstocks have been installed on the eastern breakwater. The panels which will make up the breakwater will be suspended from the headstocks. The first wave panels for the breakwater have been fabricated and are waiting in storage ready to be installed. The piles, headstocks and panels together form the breakwater which shelters vessels in the marina. The northern breakwater also supports a 120m walkway, which will provide amazing views out Queen Charlotte Sound.
Our jetty contractor Bellingham has established on-site and has started piling for the jetty installation, so keen observers will note the marina starting to take shape within the breakwater area, with piles in place for Jetty 14w.
Our reclamation contractor Simcox has been back on-site and completed installing services through to the mid-point of the reclamation.
Breakwater Technology
The breakwater is a critical component of the marina extension, providing protection from wave action and wakes from passing vessels, including the ferries and ships passing in the main Sound. The decision to proceed with the pile and panel breakwater was made during the preliminary design process as it became apparent that a traditional rock breakwater was not going to be a suitable solution for the marina extension due to the water depths of up to 16.5m in the outer parts of the marina.
A substantial investigation was undertaken to determine possible alternative solutions, the investigation include undertaking extensive computer modelling and also physical modelling at the Queensland Government Hydraulics Laboratory, where we set up scale models to actually verify the computer modelling and determine that the pile and panel breakwater was the best solution to provide the desired excellent wave climate.
This breakwater structure also has the added advantage of being more environmentally friendly, by having a small footprint on the seabed when compared to a traditional rock breakwater and also because the panels only go to -5m CD, this allows water and marine life to pass under the breakwater.
Upcoming Activities
- The construction of the breakwater is at an important point – with the installation of wave panels to the breakwater happening very soon.
- Installation of services through to the mid-point of the reclamation has been completed by Simcox.
- Piling activity continues with Bellinghams to continue piling for jetty installation.
- Our building Contractor T&D Construction will be establishing on-site and starting works on the ablution buildings.

Marine Mammal Monitoring Our contractors continue their monitoring for marine mammals in Waikawa Bay, and were accompanied last week with some inquisitive visitors which arrived to see what was happening with the progress of the breakwater! All works halt while marine mammals are around the project zone.
Safety messages
Piling Noise:
The installation of the piles for Jetty 13W is underway, these piles are located close to the existing breakwater at the northern end of Waikawa Marina Trust, see marked image below.
While this piling is underway, we will be installing additional signage and barriers restricting access to this area and ask people to stay clear of the operation, please observe the signage as the piling operation can be noisy.
Navigation Safety & Vessel Wakes:
As the work continues around the marina, we remind our marina users to take care when passing in and out of Waikawa Bay
- Remember to adhere to the 5-knot speed restriction and minimise wake as you pass the construction site,
- Remember to stay clear of construction plant/activities,
- Remember to keep out of the 30m construction safety zone,
- Please do not enter the new marina basin – this is a construction area, see plan below.
Waiting list
Are you considering a berth in the new marina? Demand is currently very high for berths at Waikawa North West.
Contact us to go on the waiting list for a new berth in Waikawa North West by completing the form here on our website
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