
Project Update – July 2021

Waikawa Marina Extension Project Update – July 2021

Project Progress

The breakwater is progressing well with all of the vertical piles now in place. Some additional driving has been required for some of the vertical piles before we could start the installation of the raked piles. We have now started the installation of the raked piles and these works will continue for the next couple of months. On completion of the raked piles, we will start the installation of the PE pile sleeve, pile headstocks and wave panels. The pre-cast headstocks are being made off-site in Christchurch and the wave panels in Blenheim.

Planned Works

Mid-July we will see Simcox return to the site to start the installation of the services through the existing marina. They are installing new power, fibre and wastewater connections. These works start at the entrance off Marina Drive and run through the entire length of the existing marina. Simcox has developed a traffic management plan for the safe management of vehicles and pedestrians while they are working through the existing marina. Traffic management will be a combination of shoulder closures and priority give-ways. Please be mindful of these works while travelling through the existing marina and please follow the signage and direction of the traffic supervisor on site.

Key items to be aware of while these works are being undertaken:

  • Traffic management will be installed in advance of works starting on site – please do not park in coned off areas.
  • Simcox plan to trench, lay and backfill approximately 60m sections a day, however, they will not leave long sections of trench open.
  • A short section of the trench may be left open at the end of the day, but this will be fenced off before they leave the site.
  • The trench line will be backfilled to the top and left with a reasonable surface before moving on to the next section.
  • The trench line will not be asphalted/chip sealed on a daily basis, but will be surfaced as a reasonable section is completed.
  • There will be some disruption to car parking, but Simcox will work to minimise the impact. Cones and signage will be placed in car parks ahead of Simcox working in an area to try and stop cars being ‘trapped’ in a car park as Simcox trench past. Simcox will have road plates on-site for scenarios where a vehicle does get ‘trapped’ in a car park and the owner returns and need to get out.


The service works through the existing marina will take approx. 4 weeks to complete, we thank all of our marina users in advance for their patience while the works are being completed.

When Simcox establishes back on-site, they will be reinstating at the contractors’ area at the entrance to the marina extension, (see image to the left). There will be no public parking in this area. Waikawa Marina Trust berth holder parking will remain unaffected.

Other works on site – the relocation of swing moorings to outside the new marina basin has also been happening over the last couple of months and these works are nearly complete and in August our Jetty Contractor will establish on-site to start their piling works for the jetties.



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