
Project Update – October 2020

Stage one of the reclamation works are now complete, the bulk earthworks and culvert installation works were completed by late August, with tidy up works being undertaken in early September.

Project Progress
Simcox made great progress in forming the reclamation. The trucks have completed carting the majority of rock
rubble fill, rock armoring, general fill material and concrete pipes to site.






Simcox have completed the reclamation works to nearly the top of the general fill and this is the level that the reclamation will remain at while the breakwater construction is undertaken. They have installed settlement pins along the reclamation so we can monitor for any settlement of the fill. Simcox have now dis-established from site and will remain off site while the breakwater is being constructed. The fencing has been relocated at the end of the Waikawa Marina Trust (WMT) and the carparks are available again.

Technical details – just a few details around elements of the design and construction:

Settlement Pins – during the design process, the Geotechnical Engineer identified several soft areas on the seabed where they anticipate we may see settlement of the reclamation fill of up to 150mm. From the monitoring undertaken to date, we have only seen in the worst case 10mm of settlement. We will continue to re-survey the settlement pins to ensure the settlement stops.

Freshwater-seawater passage – there is one semi-permanent stream that crosses the reclamation. The culvert at this location has been designed to support fish passage in the important  freshwater-seawater interface.













A few facts about the activities completed on site to date:

27,000m³ of rock rubble carted to site
2,700m³ of armor rock placed on site
8,600m² of geogrid placed on site
131m of concrete pipes installed
6,800m³ of general fill placed on site

Planned Works
Our breakwater contractor is due to establish on site in early November to start forming the pile and concrete panel breakwater. This is the outer section of the marina which protects the jetties from wave action and storm events. Our breakwater contractor will use the new reclamation as a work area for pile fabrication and material storage, the installation works will largely be completed from floating plant. The breakwater works are anticipated to take approx. 9 months to complete.

Public Open Day
Please join us for a site visit – we would like to invite you to come for a walk along the reclamation to see the works that have been undertaken to date. We will have the gates open on Thursday 5th November from 2pm to 3pm to allow people to come for a self-guided tour along the reclamation. We will have some staff on site for questions and answers. Please ensure you wear sturdy footwear when you come as there are some areas of uneven surfaces.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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