
Blue Cod in the Marlborough Sounds

Blue Cod / Rāwaru season is soon to reopen on December 20th.

Every year the Marlborough Sounds is closed for blue cod fishing from 1 September until 19 December. This gives time for the blue cod population in the sounds to undergo spawning undisturbed from fishing pressure.

When the area is open for blue cod fishing, it’s important that we know the rules and are following them. In the Challenger East area (which includes the Marlborough Sounds,) the limit is 2 blue cod per person per day, with a minimum size limit of 33cm

The way to measure a blue cod is from the tip of the nose to the middle ray in the tail, measuring is more accurate if the nose is put up against an edge and the fish is measured on a flat hard surface.


You can check the rules and guidelines for measurement on the free NZ Fishing Rules app, on the MPI website,, in the brochures available at our marina offices, or by free texting 9889 with the name of the species – eg: “blue cod” or “paua”. You’ll also see signs showing the fishing rules at many popular fishing spots and our launching ramps.

We all want blue cod to not only survive, but to thrive so we can protect the fishery for future generations. – MPI

This year Fisheries New Zealand produced the Marlborough Sounds Blue Cod Review and were seeking feedback and ideas on potential changes to the blue cod seasonal closure. Submissions were due by 1 December 2024.

NIWA Potting Survey

The reviews states that:

‘…pressure on the fishery has been significant, with high fishing effort and additional stressors such as sedimentation, seafloor disturbance, and marine heatwaves. Independent monitoring and observations from fishers show the fishery remains in poor health, despite management changes to reduce fishing pressure of blue cod in the Sounds. In 2021 a NIWA potting survey indicated significant overfishing of blue cod is very likely occurring in the Sounds. While it generally appears stable, the fishery is at a very low level (especially the inner Sounds)”.

We can expect to see a decision from FNZ regarding the seasonal closure next year.

In the meantime, it is up to us to protect and respect the role that blue cod/ rāwaru have in our ecosystem and to fish responsibly.

If you are planning on putting a hook in the water this summer, then please read the Responsible Blue Cod Fishing Guidelines. It is really important to adhere to the fishing rules and just as important to return undersize catches quickly and away from sea birds to ensure their survival.

You can also download the free NZ Fishing Rules app here.



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