Clean Marinas Accreditation

Waikawa Marina’s Mark Woodmore and Peter Broad with Clean Marinas certificate
We were very pleased to receive Clean Marinas certification in September for Picton, Waikawa and Havelock marinas. The Clean Marina initiative is a voluntary programme promoted by the New Zealand Marina Operators Association encouraging marina operators and recreational boaties to protect coastal water quality, by engaging in environmentally sound business and operational practices.
Our three marinas were independently audited earlier this year. Our notable achievements in our clean marina audit were our boat yard operations, fuelling, emergency response plan and overall stormwater signage and treatment. This is the third time we have gained the Clean Marina accreditation.
Feedback from our recent customer satisfaction survey indicated that our marina tenants are also very keen for us to move towards enabling more recycling facilities in all marinas. In line with this, and working towards our overall goal of becoming a more sustainable operation, we have done some really thorough work to improve our recycling capabilities for our marina customers.
Marinas Recycling
We have traditionally provided aluminium and oil recycling facilities in all three marinas. 10,500 Litres of oil was successfully recycled in 2019.
Picton Marina
In December last year, we implemented our first glass and acqueous waste recycling facilities in Picton. These are located in our recycling compound and are available to all marina users. Recycled bottles are taken to the Blenheim recycling centre. Bottles are carted to OI in Auckland, which is New Zealand’s only glass bottle and jar manufacturer.
Acqueous waste is water based liquid waste eg engine coolant, used engine oil mixed with dirty bilge water. 3000 Litres of Acqueous Waste was recycled in FY 2019.
Waikawa Recycling
In the Waikawa hardstand, we have recently added two new double bunded 2000 litre storage tanks for collection of hazardous waste: one tank is for acqueous waste. The other for contaminated diesel. Both tanks are now operational. These recycling facilities are available Monday to Friday during the travel lift operating hours, check with our staff to open them for your use.
While we work on making further recycling provisions available to our customers, full recycling facilities for glass, plastic and cardboard are available to Waikawa marina users at the Picton transfer station in Gravesend Place, which is open Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 4.00 pm, Saturday 8.00 am to midday and Sunday Midday to 4.00 pm.
Havelock Recycling
We have recently established our first rubbish recycling compound in Havelock marina between the boatsheds. The receptacle is a 20 foot shipping container cut in half. The receptacle has dividers that compartmentalise glass, plastic and cardboard. Openings to the receptacle have been designed to restrict the contribution of general waste to the recycling.
The compound is fitted with access control and CCTV cameras. It is opened to all marina users during the marina operating hours, with access by authorised swipe card only after hours.