
Protect our Paradise – Biosecurity New Zealand

Marine Biosecurity

Our boating community in Marlborough are well aware of the ongoing efforts, by both the community and our marinas teams, to protect the Marlborough Sounds from marine pests that are affecting other regions in our country. We sincerely thank our marina customers for their diligence in checking their gear, scheduling regular haul-outs, and applying antifoul to their vessels. These actions are crucial as we work together to safeguard our special Sounds marine environment against these incursions.

Recently, our marinas team has also partnered with the Marlborough District Council’s biosecurity team to increase the frequency of surveillance dives around our marina infrastructure, checking for any signs of marine pest incursions.

What you can do

Preventing spread in the first place is the best strategy because once an invasive marine pest is established – removal is tricky and costly.

You probably clean your craft and gear as part of caring for it so that it goes better and lasts longer. In the same way, cleaning for biosecurity is part of caring for the ocean we get to use and enjoy.

Marine biosecurity cleaning for boaties

For all boats – check and clean the gear and anchor and manage on-board water before you move during a trip.

For a trailer boat – drain the bilge and clean when you get home.

For a moored boat – keep your hull and niche areas clean and maintain antifouling.

Marine biosecurity protects everything we value about the ocean and coast — recreation, fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, or simply the joy of walking on a beach. Most of the biosecurity risk is created by people travelling or transporting goods.

In New Zealand, biosecurity is considered to be everyone’s responsibility. That includes anyone working in or enjoying the ocean, as well as government, councils, the public, and iwi.



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