On Water Rules for Interacting with Marine Mammals

Photo credit Vicky Wiblin
In the Marlborough Sounds we are really fortunate to share the natural habitat of many marine mammals. Throughout the year you are likely to encounter fur seals on sun-soaked rocks or one of the four diverse dolphin species – the dusky, bottlenose, common, and the rare Hector’s dolphins.
From October to March, you have a rare chance to witness the grandeur of massive orcas as they venture close to shore, their towering dorsal fins breaking the surface. Footage of a pod of Orcas (view here) was captured in January in Hakana Bay, Port Underwood with several other Orca sightings reported throughout the Sounds.
Winter unveils the presence of humpback whales at the edges of the Cook Strait, sometimes gracing the Marlborough Sounds with their majestic presence. It doesn’t happen often, but it is possible.
If you are fortunate enough to witness any of these marvellous mammals whilst out on your vessel, then please approach them respectfully. The Department of Conservation have provided some guidelines to follow when encountering these special animals in the water.