A Good Boating Exercise for Launches and Yachts
Waikawa Boating Club Predicted Log Contest
What is a predicted log contest (PLC).
Predicted logging is cruising with another purpose, where speed is not important but knowledge of how much time is required to travel a specific distance at a specific throttle setting using only the tachometer is key. It is a great way to help skippers become better skippers by sharpening skills in piloting, speed controls, and boat handling. This event is open to launch, yacht and trailer boat owners.
The Predicted Log series is taking place over three Tuesdays on 1 April, 8 April and 15 April. Boats will start the contest any time between 5pm and 6pm on each contest night.
How does it work? 
For this three-event contest, contestants make written predictions of their expected times on the contest entry forms. These forms are submitted to a committee prior to starting the contest. All contestants then run the course on their boats. An observer on board notes the exact time for each leg as each boat passes each control point. The difference between the predicted times and the actual times required to run each leg of the course become “the error”. Only the observers have a time keeping instrument, the contestants can use a compass or any other non-timekeeping device.
The PLC winner of each contest will be the skipper with the least percentage error. Errors in each leg are cumulative; slow and fast errors do not offset each other. For example, if a skipper runs the first leg one minute faster than he predicts, and the second leg two minutes slower than he predicts, his total error is three minutes.
How do I enter? 
The contest is open to all Waikawa Boating Club full members or full members of other clubs. If you are not yet a member then this is the perfect excuse to sign up. WBC offer fantastic clubhouse facilities to their members, over 100 secure well-maintained moorings within the sounds and discounts with NPD, AON insurance plus many others. Find out more
The entry fee for each contest is $15 per boat.
Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each contest as well as 1st, 2nd and 3rd for the three-contest series.
To enter your boat please register by email to Events@waikawaboatingclub.co.nz by TUESDAY 25 MARCH
Please use “Predicted Log Contest” as the heading of your email and give your name, boat name and boat type.