Reclamation Earthworks Nearly Complete!
Works have progressed well over the last few weeks and we are now getting near the end of the earthworks component of the reclamation.
Project Progress
Even with a few wet days over the last month, Simcox have continued to make fantastic progress on forming the reclamation. The trucks have continued to cart loads of rock rubble fill, rock armoring and they have also been carting general fill material and concrete pipes to site.
Simcox have now bulk filled material to the most northern end of the reclamation at over 420m along the coast line. Activities on site include; the bulk filing with the rock rubble material, placing of geogrid to help stabilise the fill material and placing the final rock armoring to protect the formed reclamation. Over the last month they have also started placing the general fill and installing the culvert pipes.
Technical details – just a few words around the technical elements of the design:
Armor Rock – the function of the armor rock is to protect the reclamation fill material from wave damage, the intention is that the armor rock is large enough that it won’t get washed away by wave action or in storm events.
Geogrid – the geogrid acts line reinforcing in the reclamation and helps to hold the fill material together, the intention is to help prevent the reclamation from slumping in an event like an earthquake or natural subsidence.
Culverts – the culverts are being installed to preserve the outfalls of the streams and waterways, we are installing 4 culverts in total that collect the flows from the existing streams and overland flow paths.
A few facts about the activities completed on site to date:
Planned Works
Over the next few weeks Simcox will continue with the bulk filling of rock rubble, placing geogrid, placing of armor rock, placing of geotextile and general fill. As well they will progress with the culvert installation to enable the area to be filled to the top of general fill layer to be left until the breakwater construction is complete.
The reclamation earthworks and culvert installation works are programmed to continue through until September.
On completion of the reclamation works, our breakwater contractor is programmed to establish on site to start forming the pile and concrete panel breakwater. This the outer section of the marina which protects the jetties from wave action and storm events. These works will largely be completed from floating plant – we will provide further details over the next few updates.
Thank You
Again, we would like to say a big thank you to residents of Picton and Waikawa for your patience with the additional trucks on the roads. Upon completion of the reclamation earthworks, there will be a significant reduction in the number of trucks carting materials to site.
Waiting list
Are you considering a berth in the new marina? Contact us to go on the waiting list for a new berth in Waikawa North West by completing the form here on our website
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